รศรรสำฦต provides services for a multitude of students, employees, community members, community leaders, business and industry. Faculty and staff each strive to provide exemplary services on a daily basis. However, everyone will not walk away satisfied all the time.
Given that fact, the College has provided an outlet to which complaints, both at the local and Alabama Community College Systems’ (ACCS) level, can be addressed and resolved.
Listed bellow are links to the policies, processes and directions for initiating a complaint:
- Policy Against Harassment and Discrimination
- Expressive Activities by the Campus Community
- Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Employee Grievance Policy
- Employee Complaint Policy
- Student Grievance
- Title IX
Complaints must first be submitted through the รศรรสำฦต’s complaint processes before submitting a complaint to the ACCS.
Please Note:
The ACCS’s Formal Complaint process should not be used to:
- Initiate an ADA complaint. Complaints of this nature should be filed with the designated ADA representative at the college;
- Initiate harassment or discrimination complaints. Complaints of this nature should be filed with the Office of Legal Affairs;
- Initiate an additional level of appeal;
- Initiate an employee grievance. Employee grievances must exhaust all avenues at the College level prior to filing an ACCS Formal Compliant; or,
- File a student complaint. The College process for student complaints must first be exhausted before submitting a complaint to the ACCS Student Complaint process.